At Al Hamara, we take pride in our commitment to shaping the future of Qatar’s gas industry. With a rich legacy and a vision for sustainable development, we are at the forefront of gas exploration and distribution in the region.

Our Mission

At the heart of our mission lies the goal to provide Qatar with a stable and reliable source of gas. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of safety, environmental responsibility, and technological innovation in all aspects of our operations.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be Qatar's leading gas development company, known for our unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability. We aim to contribute significantly to the energy security and economic prosperity of Qatar.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

As stewards of Qatar’s precious natural resources, we are deeply committed to sustainability. Our gas exploration and distribution processes are designed to minimize environmental impact while ensuring the highest levels of safety and efficiency.


With a vast network of pipelines and state-of-the-art infrastructure, we serve a diverse range of industries and communities across Qatar. Whether it’s powering industries, heating homes, or fueling innovation, Al Hamara Gas Company plays a crucial role in the daily lives of Qatar’s residents.


Explore our website to learn more about our gas exploration and distribution services, our dedicated team, and our journey towards a greener, more prosperous future for Qatar.